Membership Renewal
The objective of this League to its membership are: to promote their professional welfare; to serve as a source of business and technical information and education; to aid in establishing friendly relations with all other branches of the industry; to support all efforts to establish and maintain adequate and safe standards of installations; to work for the establishing of ethical practices throughout the electrical industry; to cooperate with other organizations which are pledged to these principals.
Code of Ethics
The membership of the Nassau County Electric League, Inc., an organization of Independent electrical contractors and dealers, in order to better serve the public, does hereby adopt the following code: To offer for sale or to use in the installation of any electrical system only such merchandise and materials which conform with the National Board of Fire Underwriters standards and which under no circumstances will be hazardous to public safety, health or welfare. To conduct ourselves and our business in a manner which will reflect credit on the Nassau Electric League, Inc. To compete on an equitable basis and to refrain from reflecting unfairly on the methods, products, or services of competitors.
The objective of this League to its membership are: to promote their professional welfare; to serve as a source of business and technical information and education; to aid in establishing friendly relations with all other branches of the industry; to support all efforts to establish and maintain adequate and safe standards of installations; to work for the establishing of ethical practices throughout the electrical industry; to cooperate with other organizations which are pledged to these principals.
You want to become a Member? Click Here!
Printable application is available here.